Click the cover to download this free book. While we do not endorse or promote all its conclusions, it's really very interesting, and worth the read.
Since we do not accept payments in advance of frequency application or training,
if after any session you are not satisfied - you are simply not required to pay.
DISCLAIMER: Per FDA Regulations: We Do Not Claim to Prevent, Cure, Heal, Treat, or Diagnose any disease or malady. The contents of this site have not been approved by FDA, and are for *entertainment/education purposes only. Nothing on the site or in any communication is intended to replace the medical advice, diagnosis, or recommendations of your physician or healthcare provider. This site makes no claims that products, therapies, or services herein will cure disease.
Question: What better *entertainment than to have a body in balance with itself, and the world around it?
ADDITIONAL NOTE: We are not, nor do we make claims of being, doctors. All the balancing work we do is intended for those who are taking full responsibility for their own health. What this means to us is that our clients are open to using any and all modalities available to them - which certainly includes Western medicines as well as Traditional cures, Light and Sound therapies, Herbs, Acupuncture, Massage, Energetic Healing and anything else that calls to them. To deny all other possibilities in favor of one - is self limiting - and we strongly advise against it.
NOTE: Our guarantee does not cover customer purchases of Spooky2 equipment. They offer their own excellent guarantees.-)