My 11 Day Detox Experience: How does one wade into these waters? I have a strong system, rarely need to go to a doctor and have no known medical issues ~ have always invested in preventative medicine for my care. When I met Sumara, who is soon to be 80 and saw her energetic health and well being, I knew she was onto something I wanted to know more about. Soon, I was cutting my toenails to give to her and Jon who then began an 11-day detox program; working remotely. I believe in distance healing, and many other light waves possible to us at this time in our conscious development.
How I've felt so far? I am more energetic. I can feel when I'm being concentrated upon, and see my body behaving differently: more elimination from the day before ~ a less dense feeling than before. I'm cultivating happiness and light ~ have no usual cravings for overeating. I'm drinking water and vitamin C throughout the day to assist in the detox. Eyes are clear! I feel enough benefit that I'm recommending this to friends; people I care about! Here's to our collective health and well being!
Days 8, 9 and 10 were very different...difficult and highly emotional...everyday brought tears! I thought it was the state of the world, but I realized it was my detox! I went to the bottom of my reality and saw things and ways that I need to address...change for the better. Last night, a sense of calm and peace arrived; and I see more light again. Much gratitude and how often is one to do this? I'm liking the "level up" very much!