What on Earth?

We already know that the statements we've posted throughout this site are nothing less than astonishing, and yet we do not make such claims lightly. 

What am I talking about?
  1. We use Rife generators and specialized frequency transmitters.
  2. We offer remote frequency balancing.
  3. The devices we use are capable of balancing anyone no matter how far they are from our locations.
  4. We currently include an initial Detox Balancing with all programs
As I said at the top of this section - our statements are astonishing, right? Difficult to believe? We know! Still, it's now in your hands to find out what on earth this is all about.
Program Offerings

How is it possible?

The Science - Pt 1
Roy Rife developed his work with frequencies through the use of generators he developed in the 1930’s. 

His machines worked with the idea that all maladies were composed (like everything else) of frequencies. His work entailed matching frequencies specific to a diseases to destabilize and destroy them. 

His work which included documented proof of frequencies curing cancer and tuberculosis, was accepted and even lauded in newspapers. 

Soon enough that very same work was widely ridiculed by both the AMA and the American Cancer Society. One thing is clear - both of these organizations had much to gain by their actions. Let's face it, medical care is big business.

That being said, we do not agree with Rife's conclusions.

We believe that the people involved in these "cures" had the frequencies of their bodies balanced in a way that enabled them to heal themselves

Every living creature, in concert with its various component parts, vibrates at unique identifiable frequencies that can be balanced.

The Science - Pt 2
Einstein famously described the method we're using as "spooky action at a distance" or "quantum entanglement." This concept describes that action taken on a single particle - will instantly influence another related particle, regardless of how far apart they are.

Honestly, given that explanation - we cannot be 100% sure that our equipment is doing what Einstein described, but it is doing - something - and it works, strangely enough, exactly as described. 

We use Rife frequency generators with quantum attachments. Placing a very small sample of a person's DNA (a fingernail) into one of these attachments we bathe it in balancing frequencies. The person instantly responds to what is being done to their nail. 

Quantum Entanglement?
In quantum physics, all particles of a single object are "entangled" and it's been demonstrated that actions performed on one particle - affect the others, even when separated by great distances

The phenomenon caused Albert Einstein to call it  "spooky action at a distance.

Nicola Tesla said  "If you wish to understand the Universe, then think of"
Energy, Frequency, and Vibration"

Our equipment makes use of these understandings.

Are we serious?
That's something you'll have to decide for yourself.

The Science and Beyond
Johann Stegmann is the person who first theorized and then developed the remote functionality of a Rife machine - bringing Einstein's speculation into action. He wrote about his experience and observations in an early, rather extensive, manual, some of which seems both unlikely and implausible, in spite of the evidence-of-fact we are currently blessed with: he wrote about his daughter who learned to see auras, and worked with him when it was discovered that she could not only properly identify imbalances in others, but could also remotely feel the various frequencies being generated by Rife machines when used with a small sample of a person's DNA. Whether his recollection is to be believed or not - here we are. We are using the technology he developed along with the original Rife technology. That people scoff at such things is just part of the way we're all built. We fully agree that it is more than appropriate to be skeptical. Skepticism, however we believe must also include a mind open. There are things in and of this world that I once disbelieved - that I now fully believe in - because I have experienced those things for myself. 
Check This Out
Think about it, in our present environment, our bodies are under siege from the air we breathe. the food we eat, the water we drink, and the homes we live in. We and our loved ones are overwhelmed by a toxic soup. It is so prevalent in our lives, it has become inappropriately normal to us. It is anything but normal! Herbicides/pesticides like RoundUp (glyphosate), radiation and dangerous drugs (scientifically proven to be dangerous), have been allowed to invade our environment, all in the pursuit of money! (The film, Dark Water is an important message to all of us on what we're faced with. If you've not seen it - brace yourself.)
Our Remote Detox Balance program is included free with all other programs.

We know through our experiences that this work leads to a deep sense of well being.

Experience is the Key

Obviously, we're all about the idea of people discovering for themselves the power of RIFEWORK2 . Of course, because of all we've gone through, we want to tell everyone about it, and we want them to believe what we say is so. However let's face it, I can tell you all about the Grand Canyon, literally attempting to explain it, including photos and videos in my presentation, of the majesty and astonishing beauty of something beyond description, and you would still not really have any clear idea of the reality of standing on the edge. 

And there it is. 

What we're doing here is beyond description. No matter what we say or claim, we cannot convey "what's-so" to anyone, and frankly if we were able to easily convince anyone of our claims we would be justifiably skeptical about them.-p

Take a chance. 

Have an experience. 

Reach your own conclusions.
What to Know
Each and every living thing on the planet has its own unique DNA signature. Each and every part of that DNA is intrinsically connected to every other part. This means that the DNA in our lungs, hearts, kidneys, livers, glands, skins etc, is completely and inextricably interwoven with DNA in our saliva, blood, urine, and yes even in our fingernails and toenails. All parts of our bodies are completely interconnected with all the rest. It was this concept that led the inventor(s) of our equipment to realize that running Rife frequencies on anything containing our personal DNA would immediately have impact on any part of our body we wish to focus those frequencies upon. This is quantum entanglement in action. Can we prove that it works? Yes.

There is no time delay no matter where the machine is in relation to the subject. 

Spooky action - at a distance...
We use very sophisticated equipment, making use of the tiniest amount of DNA contained in your fingernails. We place one of your nails into a device that connects to a Rife frequency generator. When specific frequencies are run - your body is immediately affected no matter where you are located on the planet. Any piece of your DNA is intrinsically connected to the rest of your body even when it has been clipped off, such as fingernails. Even as I write these words I know that many people will be wondering if this can possibly be true, and yet I'm able to write them in the certain knowledge that comes from my own personal experience and the experiences of many others... several of whom are several states away.

We and thousands of others have personal experience of this stunning technology actually balancing the body, and that a body in balance can heal itself.

What then will we want from you? 

Just your fingernail clippings!

That's right, we want you to send us your fingernail clippings folded up in a piece of paper, or in our handy form - in an envelope. Your nails contain very small amounts of your DNA (about 1/100 of that required to do a DNA genetic test). For our purposes that'll work just fine,
Nail polish will not affect our process, so it's okay to leave it on. 
If we're working with you on more extensive balancing work, and you're sending us nail-dust - make sure that you're the only user of that file or emery-board, so that no one else's material gets mixed with your own.
Once we have your nails we'll contact you via email to alert you to your scheduled balancing time-frame.
Obviously, acrylic or fake nails do not contain DNA so they would be unacceptable for our process.
We do recommend that you drink plenty of pure fresh water before, during, and after all programs.
We believe our service fees are very reasonable, however we're fully open to assisting anyone who cannot afford even those amounts.
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